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Quality of Life | Relationships | Stewardship

In 2009 and 2010, I experienced a train wreck in my life.  As I crawled out from these devastating health issues, I awoke to a new outlook on life.  The Lord gave me a clear path to follow, which I call Q-R-S:

Q-Quality of Life;  R-Relationships;  S-Stewardship = Abundant Life. 


Life can consume us if we allow it to.  We must make a choice to take a different path from where the world is pulling us.  If we make our Quality of Life a priority;  focus on our Relationships by spending time with our loved ones, and commit to Stewardship with our time and resources, then we will experience the Abundant Life. 

                        Enjoy life to the fullest!     

















Q - Quality of Life

Quality of Life: “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

Here are a few daily disciplines that have improved my quality of life.

Walk with the Lord daily: Deuteronomy 6:4-9

Daily Commitment to Health: monitor diet, exercise & control stress

Invest in your Marriage: 1 Peter 3:7

Find Joy in all circumstances: Psalm 118:24 

The life we live is the result of our decisions and actions. We can only make real change thru the power of God. 

What has impacted your Quality of Life?

What needs to change?

Will you change?



R - Relationships

As I mentioned before, I was blessed with a father who was my best friend. I have many fond memories of our time together.  At age 4 I begged to join him in the woods.  This was the beginning of a great appreciation for God's creation and the lessons learned from a woodsman.  Around 9, I begin to help out with our farm products route, he let me drive the van.  During this time, I saw the master at work making friends, serving them and bringing joy to many.  He taught me the value of relationships, to invest in people.  Daddy never accumulated much worldly treasures but he was the richest man I ever knew.  At his funeral there were over 20 honorary pall bearers, each there to honor the life of their best friend.  So I pass it on to you:  find your treasure in those within your midst.  To have a friend you must first be a friend. 



S - Stewardship

The root is from an old shipping term. 

A steward assisted the Captain.  He was entrusted with certain responsibilities.  Just as we have been entrusted with resources and responsibilities in this life, they are not ours, but have simply been entrusted to us.

The steward is an overseer who is preparing the way for the future generation that will one day walk our path on the way.  We must revere God and seek His wisdom.  Each person has been awarded talents and resources based on their ability.  We are expected to multiply them.  Our needs are supplied by God’s provision.  There is only one Creator.  Be careful in relishing over what you have done, it was a gift from God. 

Stewardship is a reflection of a man’s heart.  How we handle our talents & resources determines the fruit in this life.  It may be measured in quality of life, relationships or stewardship.

Look within.  Does your heart reflect a steward?   Do you wish one day to hear these words, “Well done good and faithful servant!  You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things, enter into the joy of your Master.” Matthew 25:23


Abundant Life awaits you!  












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