Lately I’ve been reviewing my time and the lack of margin in my life. It has caused me to pause and ask, “What is margin?” Webster’s dictionary defines margin as: ‘the edge, border of something, an amount by which a thing is won or falls short.’ Our busy schedules make us think we don’t have enough time, but the reality is that we are falling short, and the Yes’s have been louder than the No’s.

What am I doing that someone else could do, or that I need not do at all? What is missing? Most likely it is rest, of the mind, body & spirit.
When was the last time you took a walk in the woods; took an hour or a day for yourself? Is it time to stop living on the edge and back away for a moment, then re-assess before moving forward? We should observe the natural borders in our lives and commit to making time for ourselves. If we don’t, we will be no good to others and fall short in our efforts. May we re-capture our lives from the busy culture and make margin a priority.
Psalm 116:7 (NASB)
Return to your rest, O my soul, For the Lord has dealt bountifully with you.