Life has its twists and turns
Some are set-backs – others we plod ahead
Simple choices in the daily grind
Life changing events come unexpectedly
Then opportunity knocks.
It comes in the most unexpected packages
At the least anticipated time
It usually is what we have prayed for
It’s there for a moment
Waiting for one to seize or ignore.
We know in our heart what to do
If we wait too long it vanishes.
Opportunity does not always come our way
When it does, it’s our special time,
A gift from God, awaiting for the recipient to open and explore.
There is no time to taste and savor
Only time to take the next step
Then the open door – an opportunity to Praise God and Trust Him
To guide you once more.
- Arthur Farr
James 1:12
Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial,
For once he has been approved, he will receive the Crown of Life
Which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.
Blessed: Our trials should put our focus on God and His Glory. The process of persevering reveals who we are in Christ; one lacking in nothing.
Approved: God is Faithful to those who love Him [to all but love better alternative]
Our trials point us to Him and His mercy. We are approved by His Grace, through the Blood of the Cross.
Promise: We will receive the Crown of Life. Eternal Life with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. This is the promise for every believer.
Love: We love Him because He first loved us. He laid down His life for us.
An example of God’s Glory. There is no greater joy than to be loved by God and to love Him!