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The Great Wallenda

In the summer of 1970 during our family vacation we came upon one of those once in a life time events. As we were traveling through Tallulah Gorge we noticed an unusually large crowd for this area. We stopped to see what all the fuss was about, as there was a carnival-like atmosphere around.

We soon discovered that Karl Wallenda was preparing to walk across the Gorge.

Our family watched him complete this incredible task as well as 2 head stands while balancing mid-way across the Gorge. I think back to this day often. Why would someone risk their life in this way? The Wallenda family are known for their acrobatics; to them this risk is acceptable. They are disciplined while training and preparing for the right moment.

We may not be walking tight ropes but could certainly learn from their approach to life. Are you ready to lay it all on the line and step out in faith?

We may not be walking tight ropes but could certainly learn from their approach to life. Are you ready to lay it all on the line and step out in faith?

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